4月5日 絕望中的盼望 (曾李麗冰牧師) 筆記 | 小組討論 | 觀看本週網上崇拜錄影
4月12日 復活的盼望 (余子麟牧師) 筆記 | 小組討論 | 觀看本週網上崇拜錄影
4月19日 死亡中的盼望 (曾廣略牧師) 筆記 | 小組討論 | 觀看本週網上崇拜錄影
4月26日 永生的盼望 (余子麟牧師) 筆記 | 小組討論 | 觀看本週網上崇拜錄影
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Saturday, 25 April 2020
4月26日 主日崇拜 結連
- 主日崇拜 錄影視頻
- 視頻已於4月27日晚上9時下架,若你錯過收看時間,請直接聯絡余牧師以作安排。
- 筆記:下載結連
- 小組討論:下載結連
- eTransfer奉獻:電郵 westsidebaptistoffering@gmail.com
- eTransfer奉獻教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/401955837
- 成人信徒教育【大時代的安靜恩典】視頻(第8課)
- CitRUs 兒童事工:First Look
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/409955435
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Primary
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/409956430
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Intermediate
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/409957449
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- XP3 初中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407381969/2d80534b6f
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GZone 高中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407373346/761a5eb1cb
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
西區浸信會 28 週年堂慶 感恩分享會
- 報名結連:https://tinyurl.com/WBC28
- 透過視像異地同心分享28年來值得感恩的教會生活片段
- 拍攝非一般的週年教會大合照
- 鼓勵你自備食物在鏡頭前一起虛擬聚餐
- 5月3日 主日下午1:00至2:30
- 透過 Zoom 視像會議軟件 實時網上舉行
- 因為每個Zoom聚會只能有有限的名額,所以每個家庭請盡量只共用一部電腦/手機參加。如是,每個家庭亦只須派其中一員報名一次即可。
- 身處外地的西浸肢體也歡迎參加!
- 名額有限 報名從速
Sunday, 19 April 2020
【西區浸信會 成人信徒教育課程】
第一課: https://vimeo.com/398126258
第二課: https://vimeo.com/398116992
第三課: https://vimeo.com/398118767
第四課: https://vimeo.com/400813085
第五課: https://vimeo.com/401135913
第六課: https://vimeo.com/405287793
第七課: https://vimeo.com/408248626
第八課: https://vimeo.com/411261693
Recorded at Westside Baptist Church from March to May 2020.
第一課: https://vimeo.com/398126258
第二課: https://vimeo.com/398116992
第三課: https://vimeo.com/398118767
第四課: https://vimeo.com/400813085
第五課: https://vimeo.com/401135913
第六課: https://vimeo.com/405287793
第七課: https://vimeo.com/408248626
第八課: https://vimeo.com/411261693
Recorded at Westside Baptist Church from March to May 2020.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
4月19日 主日崇拜 結連
- 主日崇拜 錄影視頻
- 視頻已於4月20日晚上9時下架,若你錯過收看時間,請直接聯絡余牧師以作安排。
- 筆記:下載結連
- 小組討論:下載結連
- eTransfer奉獻:電郵 westsidebaptistoffering@gmail.com
- eTransfer奉獻教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/401955837
- 成人信徒教育【大時代的安靜恩典】視頻(第七課)
- CitRUs 兒童事工:First Look
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407627268
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Primary
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407627474
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Intermediate
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407627722
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- XP3 初中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407381956/9fff32b23a
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GZone 高中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/407373336/2d5d691b40
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
Sunday, 12 April 2020
4月12日 主日崇拜 結連
- 主日崇拜 錄影視頻
- 視頻已於4月13日晚上9時下架,若你錯過收看時間,請直接聯絡余牧師以作安排。
- 筆記:下載結連
- 小組討論:下載結連
- eTransfer奉獻:電郵 westsidebaptistoffering@gmail.com
- eTransfer奉獻教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/401955837
- 成人信徒教育【大時代的安靜恩典】視頻
- CitRUs 兒童事工:First Look
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/402353328
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Primary
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/402554656
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Intermediate
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/402357095
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- XP3 初中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/405622450/2977ff19b4
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GZone 高中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/405623737/4f0f17403a
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
Friday, 10 April 2020
*COVID-19 疫情 (通訊3)*
[羅馬書 15:13] 但願使人有盼望的 神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望!
[羅馬書 15:13] 但願使人有盼望的 神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望!
Thursday, 9 April 2020
【棄】受苦節 默想崇拜

耶穌受難節是大齋節期的高潮,紀念基督被釘十字架。 在這一天,我們與基督的受死與埋葬禮聯合。 在這一天,我們與基督一起經歷他被離棄的痛苦。
Saturday, 4 April 2020
4月5日 主日崇拜 結連
- 主日崇拜 錄影視頻
- 成人信徒教育【大時代的安靜恩典】視頻
- CitRUs 兒童事工:First Look
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/showcase/6936782/video/402349294
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Primary
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/showcase/6936782/video/402350509
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- CitRUs 兒童事工:252 Intermediate
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/showcase/6936782/video/402350726
- 在家教學指引:下載結連
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GodTime靈修資料:下載結連
- XP3 初中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/403067498/4ec924c9b8
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
- GZone 高中事工
- 教學視頻:https://vimeo.com/403069274/8f7637d8be
- Parent Cue: 下載結連
Friday, 3 April 2020
This is a time of fear and uncertainty, never before experienced within our lifetime. An unprecedented time for most of us, yes, but not for the Church. While for most Canadians this may be our first experience with a pandemic, as the Church, we’ve been through this — and worse — before. God has always led us through. The Lord is faithful to do it again.
When the people of Israel stood on the banks of the Jordan, the future was nothing if not uncertain. But what did God ask of them? Follow the Ark of the Covenant — the symbol of God’s eternal promise — and proceed with confidence. God will go before us.
We leaders of the Canadian Baptist family are standing alongside you, your families, churches and local communities. Like you, our lives and families have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainly it brings. You reached out to us for guidance, insight and hope. You asked us how to care for those at risk, both locally and globally. Hard questions about the viability of our churches have been put before us. Know that we hear you and are doing everything possible to support you through this time.
Recently we met (virtually) to share and pray for each other’s churches, pastors, missionaries and organizations. We committed to praying for the whole Canadian Baptist family, and to making ourselves available to offer guidance and direction. Now, we call you to join us in prayer and to continue living generous, hope-filled lives even during this disruptive and difficult time.
This crisis may be the greatest challenge we will ever face as Canadian Baptists, but it may also be our defining moment. How we come together and mobilize as God’s people in the midst of this current crisis may set the course for the future of our denomination. Now is the time to proceed with the shared confidence that comes from knowing God goes before us and his mercies never fail.
Today, we invite you to join us in three acts of faithful discipleship:
Sylvia Hagerman | Interim Executive Director, Atlantic Baptist Women
Diane McBeth | Executive Director, Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec
Tim McCoy | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
Rob Ogilvie | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Peter Reid | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
David Rowley | General Secretary, Union d’Eglises Baptistes Francophones du Canada
Terry Smith | Executive Director, Canadian Baptist Ministries
This is a time of fear and uncertainty, never before experienced within our lifetime. An unprecedented time for most of us, yes, but not for the Church. While for most Canadians this may be our first experience with a pandemic, as the Church, we’ve been through this — and worse — before. God has always led us through. The Lord is faithful to do it again.
When the people of Israel stood on the banks of the Jordan, the future was nothing if not uncertain. But what did God ask of them? Follow the Ark of the Covenant — the symbol of God’s eternal promise — and proceed with confidence. God will go before us.
We leaders of the Canadian Baptist family are standing alongside you, your families, churches and local communities. Like you, our lives and families have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainly it brings. You reached out to us for guidance, insight and hope. You asked us how to care for those at risk, both locally and globally. Hard questions about the viability of our churches have been put before us. Know that we hear you and are doing everything possible to support you through this time.
Recently we met (virtually) to share and pray for each other’s churches, pastors, missionaries and organizations. We committed to praying for the whole Canadian Baptist family, and to making ourselves available to offer guidance and direction. Now, we call you to join us in prayer and to continue living generous, hope-filled lives even during this disruptive and difficult time.
This crisis may be the greatest challenge we will ever face as Canadian Baptists, but it may also be our defining moment. How we come together and mobilize as God’s people in the midst of this current crisis may set the course for the future of our denomination. Now is the time to proceed with the shared confidence that comes from knowing God goes before us and his mercies never fail.
Today, we invite you to join us in three acts of faithful discipleship:
- Stand united in worship and intercession. Pray fervently for our Canadian Baptist family and all our ministries, including churches, camps, women’s groups, schools, senior’s homes and mission initiatives both local and global. As Canadian Baptists, we affirm his sovereign lordship over all creation and choose to place our total trust in him alone for all the activities we undertake.
- Continue to support your church. Many churches will encounter dire consequences without the ongoing financial support of their regular attendees. Find out how to continue giving your tithes and offerings even when church services are suspended.
- Care for the most vulnerable. Who are the elderly and recent refugees in your local community? Who are the poor and marginalized in our world who are especially vulnerable during this pandemic? Ask how you can continue to safely minster to those in greatest need.
Sylvia Hagerman | Interim Executive Director, Atlantic Baptist Women
Diane McBeth | Executive Director, Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec
Tim McCoy | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
Rob Ogilvie | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Peter Reid | Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
David Rowley | General Secretary, Union d’Eglises Baptistes Francophones du Canada
Terry Smith | Executive Director, Canadian Baptist Ministries
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