今天是羅馬尼亞的 St. Andrews Day, 我們到了紅龍巿場第5座,到處人山人海,但我們仍發現批發巿場的華人商戶很有空餘時間讓我們探訪。我們關心他們的生活,願意為主作鹽作光,希望福音的種子在他們心中漸漸發芽。
Here are some sharing from our team members:
From Wendy:
What an amazing day!!! Today, I had the opportunity
to talk to a few people at the market. Today and tomorrow are national
holidays so it's very busy at the market. We were worried that the
merchants there might be too busy to chat with us.
Praise the Lord!!! The people we approached were very open. Not only that I had the opportunity to share my testimony (in Mandarin!!!!); the lady we talked to also let us pray with / for her. There goes the debut of my Mandarin prayer. The absolute miracle is that after our prayer, the lady told me she understood what I was saying!!! Indeed, we're nothing; but with Him, we're everything.
From Felix:
詩歌班練習時,一位弟兄分享了他讀經靈修的經驗。詩篇第一篇的教導:「惟喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想,這人便為有福。」在這裡雖然未有逗留很長的時間,但在不同場合,不同時間也深深感受到這裡華人信徒飢渴慕義的心。 Praise the Lord!!! The people we approached were very open. Not only that I had the opportunity to share my testimony (in Mandarin!!!!); the lady we talked to also let us pray with / for her. There goes the debut of my Mandarin prayer. The absolute miracle is that after our prayer, the lady told me she understood what I was saying!!! Indeed, we're nothing; but with Him, we're everything.
From Felix:
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